Some comments... |
I'll be glad to tell you about my experience with your flue damper
The advice that you gave over the phone was clear and to the point.
The product was delivered about two days later, no issues.
I was surprised by the quality of the product. It looks like it's made to
last. No cheap materials. That was gratifying, because I could not
really determine how substantial the product was by looking at the web page.
There is a competing product on the market that is made out of sheet metal
and springs. I took the chance that your product was better, and I'm now
satisfied that I made the right choice.
There was one slight problem with the wire guide that it is to be bolted to
the body of the flue damper that rests on the chimney. I think there were
supposed to be internal threads on that wire guide, and maybe there were.
But either the bolt was not quite long enough to get a good hold, or the
internal threads were not cut properly. Maybe the problem was that there
was too much paint on both parts, and therefore the bolt turned out to be
too short.
In any case, I think the bolt went in only about 1 1/2 turns, and I
stripped the threads in trying to tighten it further. The solution was
for me to put a bolt through both parts, with a nut on the other end. That
presented an obstacle to the housing being seated properly on the chimney
top. I ended up having to chip away a little material from the inside of
the flue pipe so the bolt could sit down into the chimney.
It took a couple of extra minutes, but it wasn't a problem. I regard this
as a minor issue -- it was easier for me to resolve it myself than to ask
you to mail me a new wire guide.
I'm satisfied that I got a good quality product.
Ray M
Pittsburgh, PA
Dear Reiner:
Just a quick note to thank you for your fast service for our order for the two
Lock-Top Dampers and helping me find the right product for my needs.
These Lock-Top Dampers installed easily and seem to be of good quality.
It was a pleasure dealing with you and your company.
Best regards,
Joe D
Plainfield, NJ
Have a comment or picture for Reiner, E-mail him at